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The Beauty Of An Incomplete Picture


The Beauty Of An Incomplete Picture!

So I have a brother Joel Alasan  who is a fantastic artist and I sometimes have the privilege to catch him just when he’s about to start a painting, most times my curiosity leads me to ask questions of what he wants to do and I realize no matter how hard he tries, I don’t really get the full picture of what he wants to do. 

I just see sketches and lines and and and you know what I mean right? But he on the other hand knows what exactly he wants to bring out and even though it doesn’t look like it at first, he stays there for hours, days even months till that perfect resemblance of what he has internally becomes manifested on paper, on canvass or whatever medium he chose for it. Then, we all can come back and say “what a master piece this is”

Point is, he didn’t give up on what he saw until it became what he has produced, in-between that period is a process that involves time, skill, patience and faith that it can be done!

Joseph had a dream that his brothers will bow before him, what he didn’t see was all the troubles that will come along with it, even time to be spent in prison, maybe if he had seen it at the beginning, he would have ran somewhere else and aborted the dream prematurely. 

Maybe if the children of Israel knew about the 40 years to be spent in the wilderness, they would never had left Egypt. Before you shout arrh, do you have an idea what a wilderness is? The wild in the wilderness stands for wild animals o, pitch black with no mosquito nets, some of us become so irritated when there is power outage so imagine what they had to go through for 40 years! 

There is a beauty that comes with not having a complete picture at the beginning and that is the whole essence of FAITH and BELIEVE! The incomplete picture provides a form of safety so we don’t get intimidated and chicken out of fear.

You obviously won’t look like it at, seeds don’t look like trees but inside of them is a full tree with branches, leaves and fruits!

I don’t know what you’re looking at right now, some obviously very far away from what has been written concerning you, but I have got good news; for as long as you have faith and believe in the one who has spoken concerning you and over you, the process is not over, you’re on your way to perfection! If yours is taking “too long” by human judgement, remember it takes a longer time to make pounded yam and egusi compared to indomie. So relax, the expected end is coming.

God didn’t forget you, God hasn’t forgotten about you, God cannot forget about you and I. The picture of your life hasn’t finished unveiling yet. Be calming down my brother, my sister.

You’re such a special human and don’t let the ugly process with it’s twists and turns make you feel otherwise.

Have a blessed week ahead. God loves you!

P.S You can visit his page and art gallery to see amazing art pieces. Tell him you want a discount because it’s from me. 



  1. This is amazing sir, thank you

  2. This is beautiful. Thank you for the subtle uplifting messages

  3. You no dey fall my hand. Nice piece, soothing and encouraging.


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