

  When life rhythms doesn't actually sound no more like duduke When you hate the sight of sunrise because you gave up already on the day unfolding since last night when you soaked your pillows drenched When the cover of darkness is the safest place you felt at peace; far from all preying eyes, probing questions at every turn all fuelled not by care or compassion but to confirm and satisfy their thirst for stories of your failure When your silent outer self is an exact opposite of the raging war happening in the inside, yet wrapped around a smile as you trod past memories of sweet before all but gone in the fleeting moments When conversations became sour, chaotic and a battle of who is wrong or right, all aimed to massage a battered ego bruised and scared from previous encounters on the alter of moral justification fanned   When the voices, the only voices that you hear, that sound like songs and meaningful to you only lead to a place of darkness with no light in sight Whe...

Oh My Mother Land

  How did we get here? That the cries of the innocent no longer irks our soul? Tell me how the blood stains on our land, flowing freely, is no longer seen as a proof of carnage? While those alive mourn those dead in fear, the killers jubilate so loudly, we can hear them sing from afar. Their rythmic dance steps insult the memories of their victims for free. Oh my land, my home! Can I still call you so? All I see now when I remember home is a slaughter field, where my ancestry is being eroded, violated, destroyed by people I once called brothers and fellow men. How different are they from me? I see none, our skin tone shows we are supposed to be united as a common front against those who come from beyond the big wide sea to tap and mine the blessings of the creator hidden deep underneath our huts, just for you and I but alas today, they sit back and watch, without having to lift a finger, we turn and strike deep into the heart and bellies of ourselves Wives left with no husband's, m...

Now I Speak

Echoing in my ears, Voices too loud, it took out the harmony therein Years gone by, a trust built over time From my nascent tiny steps, and now am fully grown All that now a distant cry, shattered & lost! The beautiful pages on which the future: my future was supposed to be written Now turn and stained with the guilt of a predator and my innocence up in the air like puff from a cigar Washed away in an instant like sand on the sea shore that melts like wax Success brought me to him like waves hitting the sea bed; he had a constant supply of it, of us yearly Nature, unintentionally crafted me, a piece on the menu that can’t be resisted. And while to the society he appeared like an angel with feathers so decorated with degrees, inside was a monster, a lost soul with a thirst, only for my innocence. A two faced being, left to roam freely. To some they were prey to satisfy his urges while others were friends. The truth of which side you belo...

A People Lost

I was me, wondering around in my own world, I was far away, echoes faded out just as quickly, With nothing out of the extra ordinary, Was I contended? I cannot really remember. I was a combination of more good than bad, In the midst of my dark world yet inside of me was an untapped gold mine. Blessed with so much resources that I didn’t know half of it yet  but they did! Music to my ears was the sounds of waterfalls: racing torrents of rivers, nature dancing continually in perfect rhythm just like hymns. Meeting at the confluence but then the delta and the ocean calleth! The sight of sand dunes of the sahara flirting with the sunset at dawn made the eyes teary. The lush green vegetation of the sahel rolling over each other, a constant reminder of how perfect my rofia mat (if laid) can be- tranquil. Animals big and small, a source of company and food as we all shared this very beautiful space I found myself in. Oh it was beautiful indeed... The Baobab showed...


Have you ever seen a man paddling a canoe on a lake or across any body of water? If you have, then one thing you will notice is the fact that they paddle on both sides of the canoe and not one no matter how calm the water is. Why? A canoe being paddled on just one side never goes forward rather bends into a curve! In life, just like the man in the canoe, we need to find a balance in all we do. Be it academics, career, business or even relationships because if you paddle on one side alone then you should be ready to go round in circles and not forward! It is a very simple rule but  sadly only a few have mastered the art. And so you see people extremely successful in one area and a total failure in another, it is all about balance.. You get to the peak of your career, but you do not have any friend who can call you by your name or tell you point blank when you are wrong because everyone around you is within the working circle. You disconnected with your friends a long time ag...

Diary Of A Lazy Nigerian Youth : Episode 1

“ Bros, your phone don dey ring since o, I say make I kuku ma com give you since the battery don full. As a regular customer now, you no go vex if I comot your fone make I allow other pepu charge na, you know say the country hard, man pikin need all the change wey e fit pakage o”.. Guy take your time o, if my fone no full enh, I dey bring am back o, I no fit shout. That 50 card yu dey collect no be beans o. but who you say been dey call me? Any name show? Abi na just those fake MTN spam callers wey no dey allow pesin rest, na so so subscribe subscribe be dia own everi day, weda da person don chop sef nothing concern dem,na just to chop your credit be dia plan. Yeye scam pepu. “ I no get time look who dey call as I been dey barb customer dat time, as da thin com dey too plenty na em I say make I com give you. Hope say I no disturb your sleep sha? Not at all, as work no dey today make I take time rest body for house today. I cant come and die for this own o. monkey no ...


Silence Silence has two faces Pretty and ugly Life and death sometimes While it helps you to step away from the chaos around, it can also disconnect you from the reality of being you. Silence In it we can draw strength to overcome life challenges or sadly loose the will to continue fighting for what we truly desire. Silence It can be so soothing and peaceful, same way it can be so loud when it has defeat of self esteem, pride, ego and confusion written all over it; unfortunately, the society is too busy to read the handwriting no matter how clear it is written. Silence From it, ideas that shaped humanity were birthed and still are, sadly humanity has lost many from decisions taken at this season’s of silence. Silence So powerful, it can shut the whole world out in one blink and yet so weak to be able to reach out back to it sometimes. Silence Dreadful as it may sound, still every soul needs a visit to this powerful part of our mind...