Is Love Really Enough?

It was magical, All the excitement that had filled my system since he proposed, Butterflies flying around my tummy. The silent giggles whenever his thoughts or face flashed through my mind And then the D-day came, Obviously the event planners knew their onions, The arrangement and planning was on point, Family, guests, all had a nice time. Did I forget to mention the honeymoon? Far away in Hawaii. I dreamt of it as far back as secondary school, I flooded the internet and social media with different pictures and video of how it all went down. Hmmm! It was all I could ever ask for, a perfect union made in heaven or so it seemed, at that point. Boom! Reality check, Fast forward to present day. That was four years ago, It’s some few minutes past eight and he is not yet home. The last time I checked,closing hour was still 5pm. Normally,20 minutes tops after closing he's home. My last redial just ended, the eleventh ring out. Few minutes...